Data Science & Complex Networks

G. Caldarelli, A. Chessa, OUP 2016

This book provides a comprehensive yet short description of the basic concepts of Complex Network theory. In contrast to other books the authors present these concepts through real case studies. The application topics span from Foodwebs, to the Internet, the World Wide Web and the Social Networks, passing through the International Trade Web and Financial time series. The final part is devoted to definition and implementation of the most important network models. 




A Very Short Introduction to Networks

G. Caldarelli, M. Catanzaro  Oxford University Press (2012)

A Very Short Introduction to Networks
From Ecosystems to Facebook, From the Internet to the global financial market, some of the most important and familiar natural systems and social phenomena are based on a networked structure. It is impossible to understand the spread of an epidemic,a computer virus, large-scale blackouts, or massive extinctions without taking into account the network structure that underlies all these phenomena.

Networks in Cell Biology

M. Buchanan, G. Caldarelli, P. De Los Rios, F. Rao, M.Vendruscolo (eds) Cambridge University Press (2010)

  1. Network views of the cell
  2. Transcriptional regulatory networks
  3. Transcription factors and gene regulatory networks
  4. Experimental methods for protein interaction identification
  5. Modeling protein interaction networks
  6. Dynamics and evolution of metabolic networks
  7. Hierarchical modularity in biological networks
  8. Signalling Networks



Complex networks G. Caldarelli Eolss 2010

  1. The science of Complex Networks
  2. Networks in cell biology
  3. Diseasome and genetic networks
  4. An introduction to the world wide web
  5. The case of wikipedia
  6. Structure evolution and modeling
  7. River networks
  8. Model transp. nets via principles of optimality
  9. Identification at different levels
  10. Perspectives on complex networks
  11. Functional collectivity of complex brain networks
  12. Epidemic spreading and complex networks
  13. Networks in finance

Large Scale Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks

G. Caldarelli, A. Vespignani (eds) World Scientific (2007)

  1. Preliminaries and Basic Definitions
  2. Models of Complex Networks
  3. Correlations in Complex Networks
  4. The Architecture of Complex Weighted Networks
  5. Community Structure Identification
  6. Visualizing Large Complex Networks
  7. Modeling the Webgraph: how far we are
  8. The Large Scale Structure of the Internet
  9. Spanning Trees in Ecology
  10. Social and Financial Networks


Scale-Free Networks

G. Caldarelli, Oxford Universiy Press (2007)                 

  1. Introduction to Graphs
  2. Graph Structure Communities
  3. Scale-Invariance
  4. The Origin of Power-law functions
  5. Graph Generating Models
  6. Networks in the cell
  7. Geophysical Networks
  8. Ecological Networks
  9. Social and Cognitive Networks
  10. Financial Networks


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