My cookie policy is simple: I have no intention to use or pass to third part any information about you and/or your computer.

I removed all the obvious third-part applications as Google Analytics and other ones which may collect data. Anyhow I am no professional web manager , rather I am a simple theoretical physicist. I do not sell your data or make profit with it and if your data is collected I do not have the faintest idea where this information could be stored. The only thing I do is to install every now and then free Joomla applications to make my site better looking and functioning.

If you continue into my web site, it might be that some hidden cookie is still present. Apologies for that, let me know and I will remove it.

It is understood that by continuing to navigate my site you accept thie risk that some cookie is present and that you have been informed of how this page has been builit. If this does not satisfy you, it is better not to enter.

Thanks for understanding,


Joomla templates by a4joomla

We use cookies to improve our website and your experience when using it. Cookies used for the essential operation of this site have already been set. To find out more about the cookies we use and how to delete them, see our privacy policy.

I accept cookies from this site.

EU Cookie Directive Module Information