Corso di Fisica Generale, testo di Riferimento Halliday Resnick, edito da Zanichelli
- Presentazione corso
- Teoria della Misura
- Grandezze Fisiche
- Vettori
- Cinematica
- Moti Relativi
- Dinamica
- Forze e moto
- Forze apparenti
- Lavoro
- Potenza
- Centro di massa
- Urti
- Rotazioni
- Rotolamento
- Statica Equilibrio Gravitazione
- Oscillazioni
- Onde
- Onde Sonore
- Fluidi
- Temperatura e Calore
- Teoria Cinetica Gas
- Entropia
- Elettrostatica
- Campo Elettrico
- Flusso e Teorema di Gauss
- Capacità elettrica
- Correnti e Resistenza
- Circuiti
- Campo Magnetico
- Campo Magnetico da Corrente
- Induzione
- Correnti alternate
- Proprietà magnetiche materia
- Onde elettromagnetiche
- Ottica
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- L'importanza delle reti Complesse Ted-x Talk Bologna (2014)
- Il Mondo in Tasca 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 IMT San Francesco (2014)
- Web Crises lMT (2013)
- Reti Complesse Modena (2005)
The Scale-free Topology of Market investments,
Topology of correlation based minimal spanning trees in real and model markets
Most of my Research Activity has been financed by European Union, in the form of FET OPEN PROJECTS given by European Commission in ICT area. It would be hard to overestimate the impact that these activities had on Scientific Development of European Countries.
I firstly coordinated one of the first projects on the analysis of Complex Networks (COSIN = Coevolution and Self-ORganization in Complex Networks) in 2001-2004, then I collaborated to DELIS project, until 2006. From 2011 I am coordinating a project on Analysis of Risk in Financial Systems (FOC=Forecasting Financial Crises).
From November 2012 I am the happy and proud coordinator of MULTIPLEX a project on basic research in Multiscale Complex Systems.
From 2013 I am involved in a series of other projects on financial networks coordinated by my colleague Stefano Battiston. Namely the SIMPOL project and the DOLFINS project on Complexity and Policy.